Well hello! I'm Cindy. Have you ever met a person who just loves their name? That's me. I am a Cindy to the core. My name actually means light. If you know me, I'm hoping you're probably like: okay, I could have guessed that.
Named at birth as Cindy, I was instantly labeled Bringer of Light. My purpose -- or my story -- is aligned to shining light into dark places. Some would say that my identity was chosen the minute my parents settled on a name. Was it my destiny to bring light?
Let me back up.
Have you ever met someone and you knew something was different about them? Like, you've only been in their presence for a few minutes, but you could actually see yourself being best pals? Hear me out. I feel like that when I think of Julia Roberts every time she shows up on the big screen or when I watch Lorelai Gilmore's ability to make anyone laugh. It's like they have never met a stranger: there is something so unique about them that captivates attention and just lights up a room. You want to get to know them. I love people like that. I'd like to say I live up to my name -- that people feel better in my presence than before they arrived. I'm working on that. I certainly don't have it down-packed, but the real secret behind my name is that the light isn't me-- it's what is inside me.
It all started the day I was born.
Actually, that was the day I almost died.
I was born a preemie. Five weeks early. Back in the 80s, it was a big deal. Technology was just emerging to help babies who were born early, but for a slight moment, my parents didn't know if I was going to make it. But this is often how great stories begin: bleak outcomes and a big God. He often takes what seems like an impossible situation and makes it possible. And HE SHINES while doing it.
A life of giving light begins.
As my parents listened to the doctors and watched the machines around them light up after my birth, they pondered if this little miracle that had just entered their lives was here to stay. At her wit's end and unable to do anything more, my mother did what any person would do and looked up. No, really looked up. She prayed. She knew she couldn't do this on her own, so she asked God to intervene. She gave her life over to Jesus and vowed to serve Him all her days. In her new found faith, she shared her decision with her husband - my dad - and remarkably, he decided he was all in too. Jesus rescued them.
He rescued me too.
Perhaps my destiny is not just giving light, but radiating light. His light.
Back in the day, names were believed to express the essence of a person. In fact, all throughout history, names actually defined you. A name meant more than a reputation - it identified the character of the person carrying that name. People carefully chose names so that the instant you were introduced to them, you knew their story.
Immanuel: God with us. God's literal name for His own Son reminds us of the real reason He came to our world: to rescue and re-unite us to Him.
Ishmael: God that hears. The woman who named her son this desperately wanted a child -- and when God answered her prayer, she gave her son a name that reminded her that God really does come through with His promises.
John: God is gracious. An elderly husband and wife promised a son in their own age give birth to a boy who becomes the forerunner of Jesus. His literal name shouts of God's faithfulness.
Cindy: Bringer of Light. A young girl who is destined to shine light into dark places.
Whether or not my parents fully understood the significance behind the name they had appropriately chosen, I was destined to be a bringer of light.
Fast forward about thirty years to the here and now.
I'm a thirty-something year old gal full of southern charm who lives in a small town in Ohio. I love being barefoot and still wear pretty dresses just so I can twirl around in them. I'm a daughter of the King and have chosen to live - no, truly live - up to my destiny of radiating His light. In my short journey, I've learned that each day is a gift. There are good days and there are bad -- challenging days and rewarding days, some easier than others: some days worth writing about and some days worthy of life lessons I don't want to ignore. In my short days, here's what I've learned: I have to have a foundation outside of myself -- a foundation in Someone much bigger than anything I can ever even fathom. Interestingly enough, it's the same life lesson that my mother learned when she held me in her arms for the first time.
I have decided to trust in a Creator who allows Himself to shine light through me.
My story changed that day: I am confident that the outline shifted. I believe the decisions of my parents on that early spring day changed the trajectory of my life. The ripples of their decision to raise me with a faith-filled purpose and identity in mind shaped me.
Those premie days are over: I am clothed with strength and good health. I am a road-tripping, mountain climbing, courage-seeking, fear facing gal in her thirties. I'm an educator with big dreams and an even bigger bucket list: author, fitness enthusiast, home decor champion, pony-tail wearing, girl-next-door, daughter of the King here to LIVE. Did you catch that? It's okay to embrace all of your story. I promise -- your purpose, your identity -- is bigger than anything you can ever imagine.
Regardless of where you are in your story, I'm inviting you into mine. Will you join me? Pull up a seat, put on your comfy clothes and grab your favorite cup of caffeine. Let's do life together.
Whether you are looking for big or small adventures or wanting to create new rhythms into your daily life, this is a space that encourages fresh perspectives: personal growth and self-discovery through a life of adventure. Yes -- this blog's purpose is to document a story, making connections to all that He has done in my life: the life lessons I've tenderly witnessed through the eyes of my students and the strangers I have met on my travels to the beautiful moments that leave me in awe of the sweet Author behind each extra day lived.
If anything, I want to share what it is like to soak as much LIFE out of life -- that inexplicable joy that comes from serving a God way bigger than anything you and I may face: the good, the great, the challenging -- the journey. Let's captivate that joy and make it a lifestyle.
I promise, it will be an adventure!
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