One of my goals this year is to stand on the promises of God. There are so many voices calling out for our attention that some days it feels difficult to discern what is actual truth and what is just some one trying to get me to buy in to their side of the story. Do you feel like that? The last thing I want to be is scammed. I want REAL TRUTH to be the loudest voice I hear, so I decided to go back to the basics: the promises from the Bible. I do belive that there is a reason they have been around for a very long time. The Bible is full of stories of people who held onto these truths and experienced success. I should follow their example. How do I do that? Glad you asked. I have to actually know His promises.
One of the BEST ways to defeat Satan is with Scripture. In fact, that’s what Jesus did. When Satan was trying to mess with him, He—the God of the universe—quoted Scripture. <<Check it out in Matthew 4>>. He didn’t kind of know what He was talking about, He knew it by heart. He was prepared, and He had it memorized. Jesus knew those promises to fire right back at Satan. And you know what? SATAN HEARD IT AND LEFT.
As children of God, we have that same power because Jesus lives in us -- claim that. You are strong because the One who lives in you is STRONG.
Welcome to the battlefield, saints. Let’s clothe ourselves with the one of the best weapons to defeat evil: SCRIPTURE. Want to know more? Let me encourage you with my blog post challenge: Promises of God: 40 Days of Truth.
Here is one of my favorites. This verse is all about HOPE. It's found back in the Old Testament in the book of Isaiah:
'I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun. Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.' - Isaiah 43:19
Have you ever physically been in a dry wasteland? I have. My family and I visited Valley of Fire State Park just outside of Las Vegas. The bright, red rocks and the unmistakeable dry heat made this park the perfect backdrop for the setting of this verse. It wasn't until I was actually wandering in the desert that the power behind these words became abundantly clear.
I remember that day perfectly. Before leaving the hustle and bustle of the city for our adventure, I was bundled up in enough layers to keep me warm. It wasn't freezing, but it was winter. An hour outside of the city limits, everything changed. The sun scorched us. It was HOT. We weren‘t in the city masked by tall skyscrapers anymore—we were surrounded by red rocks and the bright sun. We were in the dry wasteland.
In this desert, a river would have been a GIFT. I found myself constantly reaching for my water bottle as the sun caused me to sweat. As a tourist temporarily adventuring through this extreme environment, I—along with the hope of water stashed in my bag—welcomed the change of climate, but could you imagine living in this hot, dry wasteland? No escape. No water source. No shade from that hot sun.
Even worse, could you imagine wandering LOST here? Believe it or not, Isaiah - the spokesman behind this verse - was writing to a group of people literally stuck in the desert -- physically and mentally. The promise of rivers in a dry wasteland and paths through the wilderness were enough to spark life into their bones.
Picture this: It's several years before Christ enters the world. You and your family are trying to survive somewhere in the Middle East. It's hot. You've been a wanderer for as long as you can remember. Your parents were wanderers; your grandparents were wanderers. Traveling from place to place and living temporarily has been part of your DNA. There's dirt everywhere -- your shoes, your clothes, your face. It's all you've ever known. At one of your resting spots, a man of God enters your camp. You notice something unique about him. He is smart and there is power behind his words.
I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun. Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
He talks of HOPE. He mentions Someone coming to create rivers in the dry wasteland -- creating paths in the wilderness. You relate all too well. After all, you're an Israelite. You've physically spent all your days wandering in wilderness. Mentally, you can't escape this feeling that there is something more for your life than this life. You want a place to call your home -- a reason for getting up in the morning. Truth be told, you could really use some hope right now. Sure, you know you've seen the Messiah work. After all, your grandparents shared stories about how God provided in their escape from Egypt. You recall the countless times they’ve told you of how God parted the sea, and they walked on dry ground through the ocean split in two. You've always known that this must be some powerful God they've served all these years.
As this kind man talks, your heart swells. An oasis would soon appear. The answer to all of the questions passed down from generation to generation would finally be answered. Stories of hope—chronicles of redemption—would finally turn to reality. God was using one of His leaders to remind His children that hope was coming.
Stories would finally turn to reality.
Isaiah, the chosen mouthpiece behind these words of hope, is actually sharing this good news as a prophesy about Jesus. His audience? The Israelites. The Israelites were those people who disobeyed God and had to wander in the desert without hope for 40 years. They are the main characters throughout the Old Testament, and their stories have been passed down to us today. Those wanderers knew a river in the dry wasteland —a path through the wilderness — would be priceless. This prophet was speaking their language.
This story takes place in a setting countless years ago and yet it feels timeless. Can you relate to moments where life feels like a deserted desert? When is someone coming to help? When will the storyline shift? When will hope enter the picture?
You're not alone if you've been asking those questions. Ultimately, this verse gives HOPE TO THE HOPELESS.
Fast forward to the here and now. Jesus has come to rescue and restore. The amazing thing about prophesy is that even though Isaiah was talking to an audience of literal desert wanderers at the time, his words are still as powerful today. His words were intentionally written to also remind us in the 21st Century of that same hope —that same Someone—Who gives hope to the hopeless. Years later, the desert of our lives may look slightly different, but the truth still remains. Jesus has come to create paths in your wilderness. He has come to create a river where there was no chance of a river -- and guess what? He has already begun it.
Let that truth sink in. HE HAS ALREADY BEGUN IT! You might not see it yet, but He has heard your prayers. He's already set things in motion. He's already written the next chapter in your story.
if it's not good, then He's not done yet.
Perhaps you're feeling a little hopeless right now. Life is not as you pictured it would be. Perhaps you feel like no one is listening. No one cares, you think. It's easy to get discouraged, but delight in HOPE, dear one. What have you got to lose? You've tried everything else. You've pursued every other option. Take refuge in His hands -- the HOPE that only He can offer.
I've already begun something new -- don't you see it? That is a PROMISE - HIS PROMISE. Those words remind you that He is working. He has begun something. He's already lived this day, lived this moment -- and He began something. Let that recharge you. He hasn't abandoned you. Believe in the power and truth behind those words. He wrote them for you.
He started a good work in you—a good work around you. TRUST HIM.
Jesus, far often than not, I feel like my life is a dessert. When days seem hopeless, I ask you to fill me with YOUR hope. Remind me who You are. Remind me of all the times that you have come through for me. Remind me of all the people in the Bible whose stories have been passed down from generation to generation who have stayed the course and recounted of your faithfulness. You are faithful, Jesus. Bring rivers into the dry wastelands of my life. Make a way when there seems to be no way. Thank you for the Hope you provide! Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness! In Jesus' name, Amen.
NEXT STEPS: MEMORIZE IT. Join me in memorizing this promise of HOPE! Put this verse somewhere where you can see it several times a day. STAY STRONG, WARRIORS!
'I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun. Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.' - Isaiah 43:19