SUMMER VACATION: this teacher's favorite two-worded catchphrase! At the mere mention or thought of this expression, a wave of peace just flows over my mind. It's a mandatory time of rest, relaxation, and no schedule. There is nothing quite like a yearly opportunity to hit the reset button. Those two words send peace to my soul and busy mind. But what about those moments or phrases that trigger unrest? ENTER TODAY>> I'm two days from a new school year beginning: a new building, a new curriculum, a new principal and new students -- a legit opportunity for every worry and an anxiety filled, two-worded utterance of panic attack. I'm sitting on the back deck, savoring my last few moments of quiet, praying for peace and listening to those birds sing. I grab my Bible and open my devotional -- and it falls opens to exactly what I need for today: a command coupled with a hopeful promise.
Don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.
I begin to smile as I'm reading this promise in Matthew 6:34. Jesus is literally teaching His disciples how to live. Don't worry about anything, He gently reminds. I'd like to think that a songbird is singing in a tree near where Jesus is teaching or it plops down on a nearby stone to get into the action, for Jesus then references one of the smallest creatures that we see on a daily basis. If God clothes the birds of the air with brilliant colors and takes care of them, He can certainly take care of you. Those words of hope are powerful, unchanging reassurances to all His children -- today. Those same words echoed years ago are truth for your soul (and mine) RIGHT NOW, IN THIS MOMENT.
God will take care of your tomorrow too.
Read that again. GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR TOMORROW. It's super easy to get caught up in a case of the "what if's". When you find yourself mentally heading down that path, you can rest in Your Creator -- the same Creator that takes care of the birds. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? //Matthew 6: 25-26
5 ACTION STEPS TO HELP YOU REST IN TODAY: We are all works in progress! God is not expecting perfection or a conquered list of to-do's <<what a relief, right?! Need a reminder on how to avoid the tangles of striving for perfection? Check out my journey here>>. He wants us to live abundantly! Spending today worrying about the thoughts of tomorrow really takes away from your today.
Since none of us knows what tomorrow really holds, spending time and energy focused on the unknown is futile and exhausting. //Shanna Noel | 100 DAYS OF PROMISES
One way to live abundantly is to concentrate on TODAY. God wants our mind to be rooted in Him, as He can provide the rest we need in order to shine more brightly for Him. As the new year begins for this teach, join me in living in the moment and creating new patterns of rest and peace. Here are five action tips, I'm taking into my new school year.
REST IN TODAY. When our mind is more focused on our worries, we tend to not be focused on the mission He has for us that day. Our Father knows that He can use you more for His kingdom if you are not worrying about what is ahead and focusing on what is happening now. Ask God to give you today's mission. Don't worry about missing out! You know God and how He works! //Matthew 6:32
ACKNOWLEDGE THE PRESENT MOMENT. You may need to have an out-loud conversation with yourself. If your brain starts wondering to tomorrow, or next month or next year - tell yourself TO STOP. Gently remind yourself that those worries are not on today's agenda and that you will cross that bridge tomorrow. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now - and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. //Matthew 6:34
TURN TO GRATITUDE. When you start to worry, do the opposite and start listing what you are grateful for. When you start verbally listing your blessings, you mind pattern changes. The battlefield is in your mind. You actually have to tell your brain what to think in order to create a new pattern. When the trigger of negativity or worry enters, combat it with gratitude. Before you know it, a new brain pattern will be created! Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and He shall give you everything you need. Don't be afraid, little flock! //Luke 12:31-32
BELIEVE THAT GOD HAS YOU. You know that same God who takes care of the birds? He takes care of you too. In fact, He delights over you with singing. Did you know that? He pursues you, loves you beyond what you can even fathom, and does more than you can ask, think or imagine. He will take care of your now and your later. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear. //Hosea 6:3 The Lord Your God is with you; He is might to save! He will take great delight in you. He will rejoice over you with singing. //Zephaniah 3:17
PRAY TO HIM. Aim to spend your entire day in conversation with Him. Talk to Him about your worries. Lay it down at His feet by telling Him about it then LET IT GO. It's not your burden to carry anymore. Practice even the simple hand motion of handing it over to Him. Physically represent what you are mentally doing to help remind you that you gave this specific burden away. Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. //1 Peter 5:7
Be patient with yourself as you import these new steps into your life. Ask God to give you guidance and to change your old patterns of thinking. YOU CAN DO GREAT THINGS!
Remember, small steps are still steps.
Father, you are God of good days and bad. You remind us that we will have trouble in this world but to take heart, for You have overcome the world! You have conquered all things and hold every moment. Thank you that there is true peace found in You. I trust that You offer peace for Your children and want to carry our burdens. May I come to you with every worry - big or small - and lay it down at Your feet. May my eyes be focused on what You have for me today and today only. Guide my steps. Give me Your daily bread and let me depend on You for what I need for today. Thank you that you go with me and before me! In Your name, amen.