I remember it well. It was a warm spring day. I excitedly jumped into the front seat of our family car: a boxy hunk of metal with a large frame-- a black Grand Marquis, perfect for the early 90s and a family of five. I was seven or eight at the time-- my blonde hair loose around my shoulders, my blue eyes wide with excitement. Running errands was always an adventure, and playing Mom's sidekick was my world.
I had no idea this car ride would become a staple in my faith for years to come. Regardless, I buckled up and settled in for the journey.
Consistent to much of our car rides, we were singing along to tunes played from our treasured cassette tapes or finishing an episode of Adventures in Odyssey. Suddenly, my mom looked down at the gas gauge. It was empty -- really empty. She looked at me. My shoulders tensed up, and I instantly let fear overtake me. I was old enough to know when a situation was good or bad, and my first instinct was to be afraid. This was bad. What were we going to do? To a small girl of seven or eight, my faith was just beginning. To my seasoned mother, her faith had become a lifestyle. Anxious to show her daughter the character of Jesus, she recalled what the Bible said about faith: faith is confidence in what we hope for. Trusting in a God bigger than the both of us. She had to believe in order to receive. In that moment, she could have let fear in. She could have embraced the worry like her little daughter in the front seat, quietly overtaken with trembling fear. Instead, she turned the situation into a lesson in faith.
Faith is confidence in what we hope for, evidence of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1
She looked at me and told me the truth. Our chances of getting to the gas station before running on empty were slim to none. However, she choose to have faith. "Let's pray about it", she said. Did God really care about a mother and a daughter running out of gas? How was He going to help us? My little brain was processing all that was unfolding in front of me but knowing my mother had never steered me wrong, I bowed my head as she prayed for God to provide. Okay, believe.
Right on cue, our car puttered. The lights on the dashboard lit up. The gas tank was empty. We coasted down a hill and pulled over to the side of the road. My heart sank. God didn't show up. He didn't answer our prayer. My mother, positive like always, looked at me and flashed a smile. God provided us with strong legs. We'd walk. I could sense our predicament morphing into an adventure. Settled on the side of a busy road with no other choice than to start walking, we unbuckled our seat belts and gathered our belongings to begin the mile trek to the gas station. Before my feet could hit the ground, a car pulled up behind us. Surprised, my mom turned her head to look out the rear view mirror. I just looked at her. Who is that? What's happening? My worst fear subsided as a familiar face with a contagious smile bounded to the driver's side window. He was from our church! I knew I recognized him.
As we explained our situation, he told us he noticed our family car and felt prompted to pull over to help. Mom asked if he could give us a lift to the nearest gas station. He immediately told us there was no need. We exchanged puzzled glances. He then moved to the back of his car and opened his trunk to show us the extra gallon of gas he had already purchased earlier that day. What?!
My little heart swelled, as my mom looked over and squeezed my hand. See, God does provide.
A MEMORIAL STONE MOMENT Years later, as my journey in faith has ebbed and flowed, my mind wanders back to that car ride. As life has played out, I have come to realize that God always shows up. He just doesn't always show up in the way I expect Him too. On good days and bad, I find my mind going back to those words of wisdom in Hebrews 11:1 - faith is confidence in what we hope for - evidence of things not seen. Having faith means trusting Him beyond what we understand, regardless of the circumstance. And you know what? Even if it doesn't turn out the way I expect, He proves He is still good. Sometimes you have to believe to receive. Faith is acting in hopeful confidence that God is who He says He is. I'm certain He leaves evidence of this everywhere - you just have to open your eyes to see it.
CLING TO THESE PROMISES Hebrews 11:1 - Faith is confidence in what we hope for, evidence [assurance] of things not seen. Matthew 17:20 - Jesus said: I tell you the truth, if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'MOVE FROM HERE TO THERE!' ..and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
NEXT STEPS Read Hebrews 11. Known as the faith chapter in the Bible, it records a snapshot of Biblical heroes who stepped out in faith. Look for ways God blessed His children for acting in faith. Is there any area in your life that you need to believe in order to receive? What are you holding onto? What small step of faith can you take today? Look for ways God shows up in response to your courageous steps. He may not answer like you anticipated, but look for His beautiful provision. CHARACTER OF GOD Think back to a moment in your life that God has provided for you, whether big or small. Write it down. Start a list in the back of your journal that you can reference anytime you feel abandoned or unsure if God will show up. In the battlefield against Satan, this is your list of GOD MOMENTS - just like those Biblical heroes in Hebrews who came before you. Find assurance in these moments - they are a gift from above.
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